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Monday, September 12


Lookee here. It would appear that this is my first post...
  *awkward pause...*
So.:) I decided to make a blog finally after kina imagining that it would be kina fun for awhile..
So i procrastinate!! Don't judge me.:)  No promises on any sort of anything interesting on here but hey. why not! If it fizzles out maybe its not meant to be. (snort snort)
K-O ima go.(rhyme rhyme! teehee)
Enough.  bya peeps. ;)


  1. yay!! youv finaly done it!!!congrats congrats on your new blog!!! nice name choice btw:D love eet!!!

  2. Hee hee thank u thank u:)I'm not done setting it up but yeah. i thought maybe you'd like it;)

  3. will you allow me to follow you? pretty please?? :) btw...cool!!!! lol

  4. i GUESS you can follow me Gordo *sigh* so much pressure!! :D thanks;)

  5. Hey u shud put th feed th fish thingy on! David n amber's are gettin seriously overweight so I need some more spoil! ;-)

  6. SHEA. get your own fish and feed them til they pop if thats what gives you such joy LOL. :D

  7. Hello ...kate... I have never met you but I've heard abit about you so I AM going to follow you're blog 'cuz it looks like an interesting thing to do! check out my blog sometime if you wish~

  8. Hi Quailsaver!!! or Jesse.. I've actually heard about u too and iv been abig fan of your blog for awhile!!! :) Thanks for following tho an hope you like:)

  9. okay well I'm glad we're slightly more aquainted now :)


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