and Rising
between my outstretched fingers..
Rendering me speechless,
a Song I know I've heard before
but softer,
Cinnamon swirls and
Rich vanilla notes,
Gliding thru me like a torrent of chocolate spears.
A faraway anthem.
A echo of clanging bells
Ringing in the back of my numb mind
Familiar cHords.
haunting remembrance.A symphony of goosebumps
Spiraling whisps of stardust
thru the air...
a Slowmotion swirling of tutus;Clusters of whimsical dreams in ballet ensemble
dancing among softly floating sugar crystals...
barely hidden in the vanilla twilight.
A silky Curtain of memories...
Simpering breezes
tug coyly at my hair
....Begging me to stay.